Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update on move to ICU

Here's a more detailed update regarding David's return to ICU...

After moving David to a regular room, there were some additional complications.  The picline needed to be replaced, which they did, but the drains had come out, too.  The decision to replace those will be made soon.  The issue with drains is that they slow down the healing process.  The purpose is to make David more comfortable.

David's heart rate became elevated and he was running a fever of 101.4 as well.

He continues to battle severe nausea (oh my...if you know what's that like, and I do, you have much compassion on David!  Please pray for relief!) but they've put a drain through his nose to his stomach to help with this.

The following are Michele's words from late last night:

His surgeon just came by to talk to me. He was out of town last week. He's also very concerned that David has been on the roller-coaster and never really started a true upward climb toward recovery.  They will decide in the morning whether to put the drains back in. He told me that the bad part about doing that is that it ultimately causes the pancreatitis longer to heal. They are just treating the symptoms by doing that, trying to make him feel better. 

We discussed several things to consider.  He said he does feel like David will pull thru and we will probably never know the true cause of his Pancreatitis, which is around 7% of the cases each year...a true mystery.  He did say though that the longer a patient has this, that lessens their chance of recovery.  Definitely not things that a wife, mother and friend want to hear.  But you know what....I know...that I am sitting here after a grim cancer diagnosis 7 years ago...and kidney failure to boot...GOD is BIG....and HE DOES BIG THINGS.

I beg you to please not grow weary in well-doing.  All of you have asked....what you can do for us....I don't really know how to answer...Life is anything but normal for our family right now...I spend the majority of time here at the hospital...away from home...and even though my son is 17...he still likes his mom around every now and then....so all of these things do weigh on my mind....
The well-doing I would ask of you is to take a few minutes out of your day...perhaps the same time if possible...and simply ask God that he HEAL David and restore him to full, better- than- before health so that we can somehow help others who may find themselves walking a similar life journey  :)

To each of you who are lifting the Hewitts up in prayer, I thank you.  Your faithfulness in praying is such a blessing to this family.  Please remember that cards and letters of encouragement are always welcome, too!


  1. thanks for the detailed updates, Trisha! Will continue to pray!

  2. Thank you for sharing the update, Trisha and Michelle. Praying at the same time every day is an excellent idea. I normally am praying for the Hewitt family around 7:30 each morning.

    Hugs to everyone!

  3. Thank you, Trisha, for taking the time to update
    us. Thank you, Michele for updating Trisha. You
    know how much I love you both. My prayers continue to go up for the Hewitt family.
    Mom, memaw

  4. Michele, I pray that you and David will continued to be encouraged and uplifted by God's grace and mercy and love every day. New are His compassions each morning. Great is His faithfulness. May God be glorified through this crisis and David be healed.
