Thursday, February 10, 2011

Continued Improvements

God continues to pour out His mercy on the Hewitts!  Here's the latest update from Michele.

~Praise the Lord that she does not have pneumonia!    She does have to still be fever-free for 24 hours, so please continue to pray for that.

~David was moved out of the ICU but to a different floor this time, which should offer him much better nursing care.  When Michele spoke with him on Tuesday (sorry this is a bit delayed), he sounded the best she's heard him sound since being sick.

~He's been up and walking!

~A good friend drove in from NC to spend the days with David at the hospital while Michele is recovering.  Isn't that generous?!

The Hewitts continue to be blessed with cards, messages, food, gift-cards, visits..

"We are truly in awe of the generosity and thoughtfulness of each of you!  Thank you sooooo much!"

Thanks be to God!

Continue to pray fervently!  Please don't get lax in your praying since things are improving.  David still has quite a long way to go.  So, thank you again, for your gifts of intercession!!


  1. SO exciting watching God show Himself strong to the Hewitts! What a special friend that would drive from NC to spend the days at the hospital with David while Michelle is recovering from her illness. God is just so good! Will continue to pray!

  2. Wonderful news! Praise God! I too continue to pray.

  3. What a blessing to have this good news! We will pray tonight at devotions for David and Michelle.

    Many blessings,
