Monday, February 28, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow~Please Pray!

Per Michele earlier today....

Davids surgery is set for 4 tomorrow. They will be making a vertical long incision in his stomach...yikes! I don't envy him...(and no baby afterwards!) :). Please pray for a smooth operation with his breathing and no complications or infection. I am quite nervous. Hoping to see the surgeon tomorrow before the surgery. Thanks for everything over these last 8 wks! Its been quite a ride :)

This is 4 o'clock Eastern time.  Thank you for your faithful prayers!  Words cannot adequately express our thanks.  


  1. Big and sincere thanks to everyone for your diligent praying!! I am with David now...they are giving him 2 units of blood to bring his hemoglobin up to a "healthier" amount for surgery. He is doing really well...My prayer is that this surgery is just a stepping stone to complete healing..and not set-back. Listening to the radio this morning on the way in...he confirmed what I've been repeating...."For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind!!"

    thank you everyone for your cards and messages!!
    thank you Trisha for your diligence and commitment to updating this blog for David!! you are awesome

