Monday, February 28, 2011

Surgery Tomorrow~Please Pray!

Per Michele earlier today....

Davids surgery is set for 4 tomorrow. They will be making a vertical long incision in his stomach...yikes! I don't envy him...(and no baby afterwards!) :). Please pray for a smooth operation with his breathing and no complications or infection. I am quite nervous. Hoping to see the surgeon tomorrow before the surgery. Thanks for everything over these last 8 wks! Its been quite a ride :)

This is 4 o'clock Eastern time.  Thank you for your faithful prayers!  Words cannot adequately express our thanks.  

Friday, February 25, 2011

Upcoming Surgery and Transition to Home

I'm so sorry not to have posted an update recently!  There's lots to catch up on, so I'll get right to it.

The surgeons are planning to drain two more pseudocysts next Tuesday or Wednesday.  Hopefully, a few days after the procedure, David will be able to go home.

Per Michele.....

"He will come home with IV nutrition, his drain and some other IV things.  Home Health will come in periodically, but for the most part we will be responsible for his medical routines which does make me quite nervous.  It will be good to have him home though.  He said the doctors said he is improving faster than what they anticipated, but that since his case is an unusual one in severity, they are not quite sure of some of the things such as whether he will continue to require much pancreatic function he has, etc.  An Endocronologist came by today. He will be monitoring David's insulin needs and said he was ordering a blood test that will tell us how much pancreatic function he currently has.  As I understand it, he will continue on the IV nutrition for approximately 6 more weeks.  As long as he is on that, he cannot eat real food. His current diet consists of a half cup of juice twice a day, and some ice chips. " 

Michele has improved but is VERY tired, so prayers for continued strength and energy and healing for her are greatly appreciated.  Both David and Michele are deeply grateful for the love that has been shown them and the many prayers poured out on their behalf.

Thank you for not growing weary in praying!  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Requests, Praises, and Thanks!

Straight from sweet Michele!

  • David is getting stronger as he is able to walk and be more progressively mobile
  • He is receiving good care on this floor
  • He was able to drink some cranberry juice today and keep it down
  • His pain level has improved, thus requiring less pain med and allowing him to be more of "himself" and alert, etc
  • Meghan is being treated for bronchitis (after battling this for a month after doc said it had to run it's course a month ago) and is finally starting to feel better
  • The time with my mom and other family member's and friend's visits have been priceless and such a comfort
  • I am feeling better :)
  • The continued support from friends and family continues to bring tears to my eyes EVERY time I get a message or card etc....PEOPLE ARE SO KIND AND THOUGHTFUL

  • Obviously for David's healing to continue and no complications to occur
  • Extreme wisdom for those involved in planning his discharge and continued recovery care
  • Comfort for David and patience for him as he continues his hospital stay and medical care (he gets easily frustrated and is still an ENGINEER!)
  • Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual strength for me as I process David's care, My health, the kids upcoming graduations, the whole Disability situation, etc etc 

Thank you everyone for your past and continued prayers!  We are so grateful for each of you and your commitment to our family!  I cannot even begin to tell you how good it feels to know that each of you are standing in the gap for us!   God is so true to his promises to us to never leave us or forsake us!  His word does not tell us we will not experience hardships on this earth....the Bible is a clear indicator of that as his people endured hardships all the time...not to mention his very own only son...going to the cross and enduring a horrible crucifixion death....for US! I am just so thankful that His mercies are truly NEW every morning and that He has not given us a spirit of fear...but of love, and of power and of a sound mind.   Bottom line is...HE IS GOOD....but sometimes our situations on this earth can be BAD and cause us to look to him for strength and peace.

Love and hugs to each of you...those we know...and those we will one day meet!!

Blessings and a grateful heart,
Michele :) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Have Mercy, O Lord

"Trust Him in the dark,honor Him with unwavering confidence even in the midst of mysterious dispensations, and the recompense of such faith will be like the molting of the eagle's plumes, which was said to give them a new lease of youth and strength."
~J.R. MacDuff

David is doing well with his move to another floor of the hospital.  Michele was again reminded by the infectious disease doctors that this is the worst case of gall bladder pancreatitis they've ever seen.  This makes God's deliverance of David even more amazing and should be much cause for praise and rejoicing!

Michele still hasn't been able to see David, though.  She is battling a fever and really needs our prayers for God's healing so she'll be able to minister to and take care of David.  Please pray for complete healing very soon, as she is quite sick.  We ask God for His mercy that Michele would not need to be hospitalized as well!

Their daughter, Meghan, is also battling an illness which has been going on for about a month, so prayer for her healing is appreciated, too.

God bless every one of you for your faithful intercession!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Continued Improvements

God continues to pour out His mercy on the Hewitts!  Here's the latest update from Michele.

~Praise the Lord that she does not have pneumonia!    She does have to still be fever-free for 24 hours, so please continue to pray for that.

~David was moved out of the ICU but to a different floor this time, which should offer him much better nursing care.  When Michele spoke with him on Tuesday (sorry this is a bit delayed), he sounded the best she's heard him sound since being sick.

~He's been up and walking!

~A good friend drove in from NC to spend the days with David at the hospital while Michele is recovering.  Isn't that generous?!

The Hewitts continue to be blessed with cards, messages, food, gift-cards, visits..

"We are truly in awe of the generosity and thoughtfulness of each of you!  Thank you sooooo much!"

Thanks be to God!

Continue to pray fervently!  Please don't get lax in your praying since things are improving.  David still has quite a long way to go.  So, thank you again, for your gifts of intercession!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Good News and Requests

I weep for joy when I get updates from Michele like this one.  It characterizes my cousin in so many ways.   She continues to be thankful and humble in the midst of adversity.   She's such a hero to me, and if you knew everything she's battled over the past seven years, you'd call her your hero, too.

Won't you praise God with me for these gifts from His mighty Hand while continuing to cry out on their behalf for the needs mentioned below?

It's been a busy weekend.  Two of David's sisters arrived Friday afternoon from NC...and were able to spend the weekend with David.  It was a surprise for him...I didn't tell him in his reaction was a "pleased" one, even though sub-dued as he understandibly is.  I woke up this morning with 101.8 fever and a right before leaving for the hospital I took my temp...and wala...I couldn't go of course.  But I was very grateful that his sisters were here to be able to spend the day with him.  They gave him a little spa treatment...shaving and nails :)

Sat afternoon, several dear friends came to visit and a few of the Elders from our church and some other church members came to the hospital and annointed David with oil and prayed for was a GREAT experience and I think David was truly touched!

God just continues to love on us thru the people around it far away or around the corner.  A couple ladies from our church that are in leadership with a discipleship program called HOPE, came to the hospital Friday afternoon and visited with mom and I, prayed, and told us there was a group of women that wanted to sign up to bring meals. 

We definitely feel the effects of all the prayers of the dear people who are praying for us! I cannot tell you with words, just how much it means..the strength God has given us.  

I received an email from one of our doctors at 8 am this morning who had been in to see David and he said David was up, oriented and knew it was the Super Bowl today.  And as I shared, the doc said he looked the best he has looked since getting sick.

People ask what specific things they can pray for, so I thought I'd just share a few things that come to mind:
  1. that David would continue to improve quickly
  2. that the doctors will have the wisdom to move him out of ICU at the right time, and not pre-maturely
  3. when they move him, that I will be able to be there to help him and that his nursing care would match his needs
  4. that the doctors will have the wisdom to discern whether he needs surgery to help clean up some internal infection they discovered on Thursday, to prevent future problems
  5. that I would get well soon
  6. That I have the wisdom to navigate all the logistics of insurance, disability over the coming weeks

Once again, thank you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

He's Turned the Corner!!

"Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!"

I received a text from Michele just a bit ago with some very encouraging news.  Thank You, Lord!

"The doctors feel that David is doing much better today and has 'turned the corner.'  Very encouraged!  Thank you so much for your continued prayers.  And if you don't mind, please add me to your prayers.  I woke up today with a cough and fever, so I can't see David until it clears."

Thank you for your continued prayers.  Thank you for not growing weary.  Thank you for the comments that let us know you're still interceding.  All of you are such a blessing!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Better Day

David had a better day on Thursday.  He did need a unit of blood, but the nurse was able to get him to sit up for a couple hours, and the surgeon thought his heart rate and breathing were better.

He was in less pain and needed less medication; thus, he was less confused.  This entire family continues to be so thankful for your persevering in praying for them and for God's goodness in providing just what they need when they need it.

God's richest blessings on each one of you as you continue to intercede for David and his family!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

God's Timing is Perfect

From Michele....

There's really not too much to report. David seems stable, but still with extreme nausea, elevated heart rate, and elevated respirations/minute.  He continues to have some difficulty breathing and talking.  The physical therapist and occupational therapist tried to get him up to do some moving but he was unable....but that was following a day getting up in the chair and walking a few steps.  

No fever today so that was good. 

We appreciate your prayers immensely!  After a very stressful series of events today, I experienced a little meltdown around 7:30pm in between visiting hours.  Then I experienced a divine appointment from God when 5 very dear friends showed up suddenly in the hospital waiting room to visit and pray with me, about 8pm.   And people think theres not a GOD!  Just what I encouraged by their visit and prayers! Thank you friends.  and thank you friends that may not be able to make a surprise visit to the waiting room....but you are at your home and fervently pouring out your hearts to God on our family's behalf!!

How good God is to provide just what Michele needed at just the right time!  As you pray, remember to praise Him first.  So pray for:

~relief from nausea
~strength to walk and talk without exhaustion quickly setting in
~normal heart rate and respirations
~emotional, physical, and spiritual strength for everyone

Please pray, too, that David would not be prematurely moved out of ICU again.  

God's blessings upon you all as you continue to intercede for the Hewitts.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Update on move to ICU

Here's a more detailed update regarding David's return to ICU...

After moving David to a regular room, there were some additional complications.  The picline needed to be replaced, which they did, but the drains had come out, too.  The decision to replace those will be made soon.  The issue with drains is that they slow down the healing process.  The purpose is to make David more comfortable.

David's heart rate became elevated and he was running a fever of 101.4 as well.

He continues to battle severe nausea (oh my...if you know what's that like, and I do, you have much compassion on David!  Please pray for relief!) but they've put a drain through his nose to his stomach to help with this.

The following are Michele's words from late last night:

His surgeon just came by to talk to me. He was out of town last week. He's also very concerned that David has been on the roller-coaster and never really started a true upward climb toward recovery.  They will decide in the morning whether to put the drains back in. He told me that the bad part about doing that is that it ultimately causes the pancreatitis longer to heal. They are just treating the symptoms by doing that, trying to make him feel better. 

We discussed several things to consider.  He said he does feel like David will pull thru and we will probably never know the true cause of his Pancreatitis, which is around 7% of the cases each year...a true mystery.  He did say though that the longer a patient has this, that lessens their chance of recovery.  Definitely not things that a wife, mother and friend want to hear.  But you know what....I know...that I am sitting here after a grim cancer diagnosis 7 years ago...and kidney failure to boot...GOD is BIG....and HE DOES BIG THINGS.

I beg you to please not grow weary in well-doing.  All of you have asked....what you can do for us....I don't really know how to answer...Life is anything but normal for our family right now...I spend the majority of time here at the hospital...away from home...and even though my son is 17...he still likes his mom around every now and all of these things do weigh on my mind....
The well-doing I would ask of you is to take a few minutes out of your day...perhaps the same time if possible...and simply ask God that he HEAL David and restore him to full, better- than- before health so that we can somehow help others who may find themselves walking a similar life journey  :)

To each of you who are lifting the Hewitts up in prayer, I thank you.  Your faithfulness in praying is such a blessing to this family.  Please remember that cards and letters of encouragement are always welcome, too!