Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Better Day

David had a better day on Thursday.  He did need a unit of blood, but the nurse was able to get him to sit up for a couple hours, and the surgeon thought his heart rate and breathing were better.

He was in less pain and needed less medication; thus, he was less confused.  This entire family continues to be so thankful for your persevering in praying for them and for God's goodness in providing just what they need when they need it.

God's richest blessings on each one of you as you continue to intercede for David and his family!


  1. Oh, Trisha, I'm so grateful to the Father for this wonderful news! How about the nausea? Is he still suffering so with that? Will continue to pray and encourage.

  2. Thank you, Dianna! I think that comes and goes, so continued prayer for no nausea would be wonderful! I thank God for you and your intercession for David and his family!

  3. We will pray for David and Michelle as a family this evening...thank you for the continued updates!

    Many blessings,

  4. Thanks for the update. Still praying.

  5. Thank God for better days and lighter loads for David and Michele! Will continue to pray!

  6. So glad to hear of a better day for David! We continue praying...
