Monday, January 31, 2011

One Step Back

David is back in ICU, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.  The move may have been a bit premature, and he still needs the advanced care that isn't possible out of ICU.

So, please continue to pray for wisdom for the doctors and strength for the entire Hewitt family.

Thank you!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Out of ICU

Michele just shared that David has been moved out of ICU and is getting settled in his new room this evening.  She'll share more details about his progress later.

Please continue to pray for pain management and no nausea.

God bless you for your continued intercession for David!

Friday, January 28, 2011

His Grace is Sufficient

Michele hasn't been feeling well herself and thus not sleeping well. Please include her in your prayers, that God would grant her rest and sweet sleep tonight.

She gave me this update earlier today.

He has had numerous episodes of vomiting thru the night and this morning so they are going to put a tube down his nose that will drain his stomach. They tried once but it is very painful to him so they are going to use a little sedation and try to get it down. He is still somewhat disoriented the nurse said. He started running a low-grade fever but so far the cultures from the fluid they drained yesterday has not started growing anything, though it is still a little early.

At this point, David has been in ICU for over a month. Michele continues her cancer treatments in addition to the daily trips to the hospital and managing other changes that an illness of this nature requires. I'm sure exhaustion, in every way, must be setting in.

God's timing is always perfect, and I ask you to pray that He would encourage their hearts with even one small thing that says, "progress." Pray that peace would envelop every one there who is standing beside David and supporting him or this family in some way. Pray for strength for this journey. Pray that God would be glorified and David sanctified through this trial.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Cor. 12:9

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update on Surgical Procedure

Here's the latest update from Michele regarding today's procedure.  I'm left a bit speechless other than to plead with you to continue to pray most fervently for the entire Hewitt family.  Words are not enough to tell you how thankful all of us are for you and your prayers.

"When I arrived at the hospital this morning, they informed me that they would be draining the cysts today as well as some fluid around his left lung.  The fluid around the lung was new news to me and a bit disturbing.  David's breathing was very labored prior to the draining procedure.  They finally took him down to radiation at 3:00 pm and he returned from the procedure around 4:30. They drained 4 litres total from his abdomen and chest.  His breathing respirations went from as high as 45 before the draining today, down to 9 to 13 after the draining, which was a great improvement.  They did say that the draining procedure was only treating the symptoms to relieve some pressure and wouldn't necessarily improve the actual pancreatitis.  This was a bit discouraging, as his overall condition has seemed to worsen over the last couple days.  He has been severely confused.  They really don't have a good answer for why he has been so confused, other than "sometimes people get confused and worn down after being in ICU for so long".  The doctors indicated today that they are concerned with his lack of improvement and deterioration the last couple days and reiterated that this is a "very severe case of Pancreatitis".

My hope is that tomorrow will be a much better day without all that fluid on him and that he will be able to get up and be mobile when Physical Therapy comes by.  We honestly need a huge miracle here for his Pancreatitis to start healing.  They will be sending a sample of the fluid to pathology and we should have the results within 48 hours.  That will tell them if there is any infection or other concerns present. I know he is exhausted and his body is so weary.  It is so difficult to see him still in such pain and so confused and disoriented.

I know God is able to bring healing to his body.  We have a BIG God...and He does BIG things.  I am begging Him to do a BIG thing here :)

Thank you to all of you for your continued prayers and encouraging messages!  I honestly do not know what I would do without all of your acts of kindness and encouraging words."  

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Procedure Tomorrow~Please Pray

Michele has just shared that based on the CT results from today, the surgeons have decided to drain the Pseudocysts tomorrow morning.  The cysts are not resolving on their own, and the doctors believe it's necessary to put drains in now.

The procedure will take about an hour.  Please pray that no infection develops and that David will tolerate the drains while they are in place for the next week or so.

Many thanks for your prayers!


Here's the latest update on David directly from Michele.  Thank you for your continued prayers!  God is so good and merciful!

"David seemed to have a good day on Monday.  He actually walked around the nurses station 2 different times. That was a huge feat for him.  His breathing seemed to be a bit improved.  Tuesday he had to receive 2 units of blood as his Red Count has been dropping and finally reached the transfusion level.  Hopefully this will boost his energy a bit.  Some blood work showed that his carbon dioxide levels were off which indicated he needs to start wearing his CPAP machine at night again, and if the levels do not improve this week may have to resume wearing the BBAP machine during the day.  They think this is somewhat attributable to his swollen abdomen making it painful and difficult to breath so he is taking shallow, short breaths.  

Another CT scan test today will hopefully have improved enough to move out of ICU...and will show that they will be able to proceed with draining the Pseudocysts by next week. Please pray for no complications with the anesthesia this time. 

I have to mention some of the good things that have been happening and how people have been blessing our family with such overwhelming kindness...

My dear cousin set up this blog to communicate David's updates and to collect encouragement and prayer notes!

A dear family member blessed us with a gift to help defer some of the expenses of commuting, parking and meals!

A dear friend has coordinated meals from friends which has been a HUGE help to us....

Some dear friends gave us a gift of House Cleaning...that I have to say was like GOLD!

My mom and a dear friend came from NC and have provided some comforting moral support just by being here..

I have enjoyed some much needed rest as our dear friend has been hanging out with David the last couple days at the hospital!

Many dear friends have brought lunches or dinner or goodies to me at the hospital and spent time with me there...

All of you have sent such encouraging messages -by phone, texts, emails, visits!

I have learned, yet once again, that walking thru life's challenges, can definitely help mold our future responses to hearing the needs of others!  You really gain a new perspective on how you can truly be a blessing to someone when life seem's to be turned upside down :)  Thank you friends for being "Jesus's hands and feet" to our family!"

Monday, January 24, 2011

His Kindness in the Details

In times like these, God brings our attention to what we at one time considered the littlest of things or perhaps didn't consider much at all.  

Praise God for the daily details that reflect His goodness and mercy to David!  Michele reports that yesterday David looked a bit better, having more color in his face, and he didn't require as much nausea medicine.  

~He continues to be on a heavy dose of pain medications which make him sleep a lot.  

~The surgeons are still planning to drain the cysts but have no time frame, yet.  

~The plan is to repeat the CT scan by the end of this week.  

~He continues to have difficulty breathing, so please pray God would bring him healing and relief concerning his pulmonary issues as well.

During my morning Bible Study, I came across this quote by Matthew Henry.  It's a wonderful reminder of the importance of thanksgiving as we offer up our prayers to the Lord.

"Thanksgiving is necessary in prayer; they should go together; giving thanks for former mercies is a becoming way of begging further mercies."

May God richly bless you as you continue to intercede for the Hewitts.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day by Day

As of yesterday, David continues to suffer from strong nausea and pain.  This makes it difficult for him to be up and moving.  Michele did notice that he seemed to talk better  and not get as winded.

David's white count has gone up a bit, but he doesn't have a fever at this time.

As you go to the Lord in prayer on David's behalf, remember to praise Him for His kindnesses thus far.  Remember to thank Him for those common blessings we so often take for speaking without getting exhausted or winded.

Remember to be specific and to be thankful.

Pray God would strengthen David and take away the nausea.

Pray that those cysts would go away!

Pray that just as David's illness as confounded the doctor, so would his healing make them scratch their heads in wonder as well.

Pray for strength and good health for Michele, too, as she continues her own cancer treatments and protocol.

Pray that David's white count would return to normal and no infection would occur.

Pray that this dear family's faith would be strengthened and their hearts encouraged and in wonder at how great God is.

Pray that God would be glorified in every moment of this trial.

May God bless you richly for interceding for the Hewitt Family!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

True Kindness

Hi everyone!  This blog has been set up to keep all of you posted on David's condition.    I'm Trisha, Michele's cousin, and I'll be managing the blog for her.

There is much power in our words.  So, please, leave comments and words of encouragement to let this dear family know you're praying for them.  David is facing perhaps being in the hospital for months, and once he goes home, his recovery will be extensive.  We ask you to pray and encourage them for the long haul.  What a blessing to have those who persevere in prayer for us day after day, week after week, month after month.  A mailing address has been posted on the sidebar where you can send cards, letters, and gifts.

Here are the latest updates on David's condition.

In general, there are two scenarios.  The preferred is that no further damage to the remaining pancreas occurs and that a pseudo-cyst will form where the dead part of the pancreas is.  In about 6 to 8 weeks, this cyst would be surgically drained.

The most undesirable complication would be that the dead tissue becomes infected, requiring David to have multiple surgeries with drains in place for months.

Either way, David is looking at being in the hospital for quite awhile and won't be able to go home until he can eat normally and be up and functioning well.  (So be sure to pray for those two things!)


More specifically, the surgeons told Michele yesterday that the CT scan showed the Pseudo-cysts getting larger, the largest one pressing on his stomach and causing nausea.  They don't see the need to drain them right now as it still isn't a good time for such an invasive procedure.  Praise the Lord there are no signs of infection, though, and David's white count is finally down in the normal range!  The hope is that the cysts will resolve on their own without any need for draining.

David was given a pain pump yesterday and did have a rough day and night, running a fever of 101.3.  More blood cultures are being done.  Please pray that the pump and anti-nausea medicine would be effective, and David would rest more comfortably today.

God bless you for your fervent prayers!