Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Post-Surgery Update~Please Pray

David was put in the ICU yesterday after surgery because the surgeons wanted to keep the ventilator in longer.  David is having A LOT of trouble with gagging with the vent in.  Sadly, there's nothing they can do.  Please pray for a calm spirit for David and for strength for Michele, as it is very difficult to watch him struggle in this way.  

David's hands are restrained, and he attempts to communicate with Michele by sign language.  They've had him sedated, but as soon as the sedation wears off, he starts to get agitated with the vent.

Thank you for your continued prayers!  They are so appreciated!


  1. Certainly will be praying for both of them. That's a tough thing to endure. Thank you for keeping us updated, Trisha.

  2. O my, still praying for David and Michele!!! Thank you for the update!

  3. Continuing in prayer for David and Michele...

  4. Still praying. Thanks for the updates.
