Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adjustments and Another Praise

Because of varying complications, the doctors have made changes to David's medications, and he won't be going home until they see that these adjustments are working for him.  David especially needs prayers regarding the chronic nausea he has been battling.

Michele received a wonderful report from her kidney specialist that she won't be needing dialysis at this time!  Thank you for interceding on her behalf, and please make this a standing petition.

May God bless you over and over for your diligence in praying for the Hewitts!


  1. Continuing to pray. Praise the Lord that Michele won't need dialysis.

  2. Thank you, Trisha, for the updates. I'm sorry that David is still battling with the nausea so much. Will continue to make that a prayer request before the Throne. Also that the medication changes will not hinder him too much when it comes to being able to go home.

    Praising the Lord for His goodness in the wonderful report that Michelle had!

  3. I didn't know this latest news while I was gone over the weekend but I haven't stopped praying either.

    Yay for Michele's excellent report!!!
