Thursday, April 14, 2011

Update on David's Visit with the Surgeon

David saw the surgeon this past Tuesday.  Here's an update from Michele.....

The surgeon was pleasantly surprised with David's recovery so far.  He didn't expect David to be eating solid foods quite yet like he does :)  In fact, he said as long as he is able to eat a considerable amount of calories, he can forego the tube feedings...which didn't hurt David's feelings at all :)  So he is free from his rolling pole friend. :)  David is MORE than happy.  He has to return to the doctor in 2 weeks.  We have been so blessed with amazing doctors and nurses thru all of this...everyone at the doc office knew him by name just from the doctor's mention of him and seeing his name over the last 3 mths...though they had never met him before.  I told him he's my MIRACLE MAN! :)  Continued prayers are desired, since he's still adjusting to eating food etc and regaining his energy.  Some days are better than others...but it is sooooo fun to hear him say  he's hungry...or to see him eat :)  Thank you everyone!!

Thank you for your continued prayers!  Please don't stop!  We praise God for the daily mercies He showers upon the Hewitts.

1 comment:

  1. How WONDERFUL!!! May the LORD continue to do the healing work in David and give you all grace and strength daily for all you must do. Rejoicing with you that he is home and eating!! Such blessings!

    In Him,
